10 Ways To Create Patients without Using Social Media
If social media has been making you feel anxious and dread, here's a short list of things I'd recommend doing to bring clients into your practice that don't involve social media!
My Advice for a New Grad Physiotherapist
Truth is, no amount of formal education can truly prepare you for the reality of professional practice and just like any life transition, this transition can be challenging and test what you are made of. Here are my 10 pieces of advice for a new grad physiotherapist
30 Days of Journal Prompts
Let’s get those thoughts out of your head and down onto paper! I have 30-days worth of journal prompts to help get you started on your journalling practice!
Pressing Pause- 30-Minute Reset Meditation
This 30-minute meditation will help get you out of your heart and back into your body and heart.
Let’s Talk Mental Health
Each one of us has our own story, our own journey of the past year. Through a fighting a pandemic, racial injustice and political nightmares there has been a lot to throw us off our games. So this year, more than ever, I think it is important we not only acknowledge but get TALKING about our mental health. As health care providers we can get so caught up in our desire to serve and help others that we forget to take a moment to check in with ourselves and our colleagues. Take a second now. Check in.
#PressPlay on these Playlists
For me, my environment is EVERYTHING. I am constantly trying to ensure that my surroundings are supporting how I want to feel. From people to plants and playlists there is so much we can do to help cultivate our energy!
Three Day Visualization Series
If you are struggling to get a vision on what is next for you or where you want to create impact, join me for this series of 3 visualizations in order to help get you more focused and clear on what's next for you!
These are a Few of my Favourite Books!
I get asked all the time about books I’m reading, products I am using so here is a list of my current favourite things! Yes, it is an affiliate link via Amazon but feel free to purchase or explore these products anywhere they are sold!
10 Strategies for Taming your Imposter Syndrome
With estimates of around 70% of females having experienced imposter syndrome, you are in good company (if I do say so myself). From self- sabotage, negative self-talk and being hypercritical of yourself to chalking all of your successes up to luck, most people can relate to a time they’ve fallen victim. For me, it’s when those feelings take over and consume you that it is time to take a deeper dive into what is really going and take ACTION! If you are feeling imposter syndrome creep in trust me, you are not alone. Here are my top 10 tips on how to tame that inner imposter!
Balance. Wobbly, wobbly balance.
I (and I imagine many of you do too!) get bombarded with messages daily about work-life balance and, to be honest, I think it is just setting us up for failure. Do you know how hard it is to balance perfectly still all the time? Aiming for perfect is a losing battle so I choose wobbly balance instead. Sure, I will tilt, shift my weight, feel like I may fall but in the long game I know I won’t be knocked to the ground.