Three Day Visualization Series

If you are struggling to get a vision on what is next for you or where you want to create impact, join me for this series of 3 visualizations in order to help you get more focused and clear on what's next. I highly recommend taking your time with these- just do one per day. Let each visualization really soak in and explore what is there for you before moving onto the next.

*If you haven’t yet, scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up for my RESET Toolkit for more goal setting and journal prompts!

Activating your Leader Within

Today is all about taping into your inner leader or the best version of yourself. The inner leader is the version that you want to be leading your life. It is the truest version of you lead by self- acceptance and self-authority. Let's tap into her!

Letting Go of your Saboteur

How many times have you had an awesome idea only to have talked yourself out of it in under a minute? When left unchecked, our saboteur voice can fill us with judgment, false rules or limiting beliefs, We can be our own worst enemies so today we arre going to work to change that!

Getting into Action!

Sometimes we just need to be our own set of jumper cables and get ourselves into action. The ONLY thing that is going to help move you forward is starting. So often we wait for the right time or for things to be perfect but (spoiler alert!) it's never the right time or perfect so DO THE THING!


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