Human first. Therapist second.

I remember feeling dissatisfied as a clinician but having no idea how to create a change. There were times when

I was jealous of the Starbucks barista.

Luckily before I jumped into making lattes, I hired a coach, put in work to learn about myself, my operating systems and got clear on what it was I truly desired. I could no longer wake up exhausted, dread my days or deal with “Sunday scaries.” And I don’t want that for you either.

Hey, I’m Emma.

I help high achieving clinicians manage their time and energy so that they can feel fulfilled in their careers and lives.

I am a sport and orthopaedic physiotherapist and own my own practice Press Play Physiotherapy and Pilates in London, Ontario, Canada. I hold both a Masters in Physiotherapy and Masters of Clinical Science in Manual Physical Therapy. I earned a Sport Physiotherapy Diploma, am a Fellow of the Academy of Manual and Manipulative Physical Therapy and am a lead therapist with the Canadian National Women’s Hockey Team.

Sounds pretty cool, right? While those accomplishments and credentials do bring a sense of pride, I also recognizes that many of those things are ultimately what also left me feeling intense anxiety, overwhelmed and burnt out. My credentials may span two lines on a business card but in recent years I have totally transformed my practice and life in order to ensure that my career in health care does not define me but rather I get to define what it means to me. I feel passionate about sharing her story and journey so that those who identify with it know they are not alone. I’m a professional coach and continue to invest heavily into my own coaching so that I can show up my best for you! Everyone’s career path, goals and needs are different but I am fuelled by helping other health care providers and professionals on their journies to personal and professional success!

My Process

You likely desire more energy, confidence, financial freedom and fulfillment with a lot less stress… I understand because I was you and work with amazing clinicians just like you every day.  So what’s keeping everyone stuck? Unfortunately in school we aren’t taught how to take control of our mindset or provided with the tools to help us prevent burnout.

Let’s get really clear with you on what “success” truly means to YOU and get right down to work making sure your actions are aligning with how you want to feel. Together we will create a space where you feel safe to fully explore and get uncomfortable…because that is where growth happens. Get ready to step into the best version of you!